Upgrade costs, rarity differences and sockets
Level curves, socket costs, max sockets and stats.
Last updated
Level curves, socket costs, max sockets and stats.
Last updated
If you play full common rarity or full legendary rarity, it makes a big difference in the long run! If you only have commons, you will have a hard time scaling, while playing epics or legendaries makes your scaling way better.
In the following picture, it's possible to see the differences in the number of cards needed to level up for X rarity and the differences in overall stats:
Other than the obvious level curve advantages for Gold Foils, there are more bonuses to be found. More about that in the Gold Foil Bonus' section.
The rarity you choose for equipment also has another important function built in. The number of sockets, and thereby the amount of Gems/Runes you can add per piece of equipment, is determined by the rarity. The following picture shows the amount of max sockets per rarity and the cost to unlock them:
Equipment may contain up to 4 sockets. depending on rarity.
Commons start with 0 sockets and may add 1 socket total.
Rares start with 0 sockets and may add 2 sockets total.
Epics start with 1 socket and may add 2 more sockets for 3 total.
Legendaries start with 1 socket and may add 3 more sockets for 4 total.
Adding sockets to equipment costs Electrum, an in-game resource that can only be obtained through battle or burning cards.
To add a socket to your equipment, first go to Cards -> choose your equipment -> then add a socket in the right corner, as the below picture shows:
You then come to the following section, where you can see in the table the cost to 100% get the socket. Since this bow is a legendary rarity, it can have 4 total sockets. It already got 3, so here you would have to look at the cost for the 4th. You can also gamble your Electrum to try and get a cheaper upgrade, but with the risk of it not going through!