Advancing down the mine

You have one goal, make it to the end of the mine before you lose all your monsters.

You will be faced with a series of 12 mini bosses that get progressively harder to defeat.

Each fight will require a FORGE burn that increases based on your tier and how far down the mine you go. • You may send 1 hero and 5 monsters with a max of 30 mana used for each fight. • Max monsters and mana may be increased by hero abilities. • When a mini boss dies there are 4 possible rewards (Cost & Rewards), you will also receive 1 Rez credit and 1 Reroll credit that expires at the end of the run. • Heroes can do a max of 8 fights each before they are exhausted. • Heroes reset to their starting stats at the beginning of each fight. • Monsters damaged or killed during any fight remain that way, in this play mode, for the duration of the current mine run. • Battles are run on the same battle engine that is used for boss battles.

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