
A quick point by point rundown on the rules for this play mode.

• Each fight requires a FORGE burn that increases with the difficulty of the bosses. • May start a new mine run for free 23 hours after your last mine run began. • There are 4 difficulty levels, Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond. • Each mine run will have 12 mini bosses that get stronger the deeper you go. • Each mini boss you defeat will reward you with 1 Rez credit and 1 Reroll credit that will expire when the current mine run is reset. • May use 1 Rez credit to resurrect a random dead monster, may use 2 Rez credits to resurrect a specific monster. • May use 1 Reroll credit to reroll abilities on current boss. • You must bring 3 heroes into the mine to lead your monsters. • Each hero may battle a maximum of 8 times before they become exhausted (can't fight anymore until next mine run). • Select up to 30 Splinterlands monsters you own/rent/borrow to be eligible until next reset. • Summoners are ineligible for this play mode. • You may only select neutral monsters or monsters of any active Force Runes (across all heroes). • When a monster is damaged in a fight, they will remain damage in this play mode until next reset. • When a monster is killed in a fight, they will be unavailable to be used until next reset. • Must send at least 1 monster each fight. • Base maximum of 5 monsters & 30 mana may be used per fight, these can be boosted with hero abilities. • Monster level limits and hero stat limits per difficulty tier are same as boss battles. • Rewards are Electrum, XP, Evolution Essence, and Relic Fragments.

Last updated